12 Tips for Taking Care of Elderly Loved Ones
There comes a time for many people when they need to start taking care of elderly loved ones.
12 Ways to Care for An Older Adult Loved One
There are many different ways to help the older adult in your life stay safe and feel cared for. While it may seem overwhelming at first, extending care can help both of you feel more connected during this later stage of life.
1. Visit Often
Your loved one needs social interaction with you. And by visiting, you get the reassurance that they are safe, healthy, and doing well. During your visit, it’s always best to check around their home for any issues that may need to be addressed.
2. Check Medications
Be sure that your loved one has adequate supplies of their medications. It is important that all their prescriptions are filled and refilled as needed. If they are on a number of medications, it is best to buy a pill box organizer with compartments labeled with the days of the week as well as AM and PM doses. This can help simplify their medication-taking process.
3. Hire Help
There may be a need to hire a helper, aide, or a different type of older adult caretaker. This could be someone who helps your loved one with their daily activities such as showering, errands, or housekeeping
4. Make Home Modifications
It is best to take a good look around the home and assess what may be a safety hazard when taking care of elderly adults. Some may be simple fixes while other modifications may be more involved.
5. Talk About Finances
An older adult loved one may not be comfortable or willing to talk about their finances. But you must try to have open discussions about their financial needs and expenses, especially if they live on a fixed income or there is a budget to be adhered to.
6. Take Care of Paperwork
While you are taking care of an elderly loved one’s personal needs in the present, you may also want to be sure that you are prepared for the future. Make sure everything is up-to-date and completed when it comes to their important paperwork. This may include discussing their will or deciding on power of attorney.
7. Watch for Driving Issues
There may come a time when your loved one may no longer be able to drive due to declines in their eyesight or reaction times. It is important to assess their driving abilities and when it does become an issue, offer other options that may helpful.
8. Keep Them Active
It is important to keep older adults active and involved. Exercise is important when taking care of elderly loved ones in order to keep them healthy, and can even reduce their risk of falls.
9. Supply Healthy Meals
Your loved one may not have the ability or desire to cook for themselves. It is important that they are well fed in order to stay healthy. Even if your schedule doesn’t allow you to cook meals regularly, you can prepare a few meals in advance.
10. Use Tech Tools
There are some ways of using technology to your advantage when taking care of elderly loved ones. For example, you can install a camera or a motion sensor to keep watch over them when you are away.
11. Arrange a Schedule
It is best to try to arrange a schedule between you and other family members to help your elderly loved one when it comes to bathing, doctor appointments, errands, shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc
12. Utilize Available Resources
There are many resources available for the elderly. These resources may be through the government or community-based and may include food stipends, workout equipment, or services to get to doctor appointments.