Privacy policy

Read thoroughly our privacy policy

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Policy Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to set out the commitment of BACT to ensure that every candidate is given the opportunity to have fair access to assessment.

This policy will be subject to review and monitoring by the awarding organization, all future versions to this policy will be flagged and will be posted on our website.

Policy Scope:

This policy is provided for BACT who is delivering training courses and TQUK qualification. It is also for use by Bact staff members, to ensure fair assessment in a consistent manner.

Statement of Assessment

  • BACT aims to provide a variety of qualifications which provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route.

  • Our Assessment Policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness.

  • We will endeavor to ensure that the assessment processes are implemented in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory.


    Students are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found in BACT policy files and online at

    All instructors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.

    This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, instructors and external organizations.

    What students can expect from us

  • We aim to ensure that all assessment of work is carried out fairly and in keeping with the awarding body’s requirements and KHDA.

  • All portfolio-based work will be assessed fairly against the qualification standards and applicant and staff involved will be fully trained.

  • Internal assessments will be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions.

  • Externally marked tests and exams will be according to the requirements of the awarding body. Applicant can also expect:

  • Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment to be made clear at the outset of the course and when assignments are set.

  • To be given appropriate assessment opportunities during the course with feedback provided on the quality of the work.

  • All work to be marked within two weeks of submission by the student.

  • Where equivalents and exemptions can be applied, we will ensure this is pursued with the relevant awarding body.

    Cheating and Plagiarism

    A fair assessment of student’s work can only be made if that work is entirely the student’s own. Therefore, students can expect an awarding body to be informed if:

  • They are found guilty of copying, giving or sharing information or answers, unless part of a joint project

  • They use an unauthorized aid during a test or examination

  • They copy another student’s answers during a test or examination

  • They talk during a test or examination.

All allegations of cheating and plagiarism will lead to a full investigation which will follow the guidance of the relevant awarding body.

Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure

Policy Purpose

To ensure that all grievances, complaints and appeals are dealt with in a confidential, constructive and timely manner. This policy and procedure is for BACT Education students and employee members.

This policy is important for all staff and students of BACT so, they can be heard, treated without bias or pre-judgement, informed of any complaint made which relates to them, and provided with an opportunity to respond to any complaint and informed about the status of the complaint that has been raised.



the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package

or accredited course.


the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.


A program leading to the granting of a statement of attainment or qualification


an individual who is receiving, responding to and processing information in order to acquire and develop competence. This incorporates the processes of preparing and presenting for assessment


A student’s request for a formal review of an official decision made by BACT, that affects the student’s ability or performance to achieve good academic standing


A complaint arising from a situation that adversely affects the status, rights, experience, services, of a member of the student body

Student Appeals & Grievances Committee

An Institutional committee composed of BACT members in the Education Department


This policy and procedure applies to all stakeholders of BACT Education Institute. It will affect all current students, Participant seeking to enroll. Staff, and visitors to BACT.

B ACT staff such as trainers, administrators, admission officers they should be aware of this policy as part of their job.

This policy must refer to existing BACT policies which apply only within the premises of BACT regardless of time which the Grievances has arisen.

Policy Statement

BACT Education shall ensure that all complaints are dealt with in a constructive and timely manner.

The Grievances, complaints or appeal could be from an internal or external client and must be dealt with in a confidential manner at all times. Whenever possible the matter should be resolved in-house however on occasions this may not be possible

All Grievances, complaints and appeals shall be reported in operations meeting and a ‘Grievances, Complaints and Appeals form’ shall be raised and recorded on file, detailing the actions required to arrive at satisfactory resolutions of each complaint.

Specific delegations:

All documentation arising from the Grievances, complaint or appeal will be recorded and kept for 5 years and access to these records will be available on application within 10 working days subject to confidentiality. all BACT employee members are formally educated and trained in the adherence to all policies and procedures.

Outcomes implementing this policy and procedure will be reviewed for continuous improvement practices by the senior management team annually.

Form and instructions to file for a complainant

  1. Complete the form and follow the flowchart (shown below) and submit as soon as possible.

  2. Clearly state the nature of your complaint and clearly indicate what you have done to resolve the issue yourself.

  3. All complaints will be treated seriously, and you may be required to discuss the complaint with BACT.

  4. You will be formally notified of the outcome of your complaint. Principles

Any complaint will be handled fairly, recognizing the rights of the person making the complaint, BACT Committee Team and the person against whom the complaint is being made. All parties concerned will be treated with courtesy and appropriate confidentiality will be maintained.

At any point a complaint may be withdrawn by the complainant.

BACT will ensure appropriate training for staff involved in the complaint's management process. This will be provided during staff orientation, as part of the company’s professional development strategy for its staff and at least during an annual refresher session.

All documentation relating to student complaints will be forwarded to the Managing Director to be registered within the BACT Complaints Registration and filed appropriately.

Improvements to Complaints and Appeals System

Complaints and appeals are subject to the Monitoring & Review Procedure, Continuous Improvement of Client Services Procedure and Continuous Improvement of Training & Assessment Procedure.

Assessment policy

Policy Purpose:

Assessment of student performance in courses and programs is central to a fundamental aim of BACT It is also an integral part of the commitment of the Institute to providing learning opportunities to achieve the best results for individual students.

The purposes of assessment are:

  1. To foster student learning: Assessment tasks allow students to identify what is expected of them in relation to the learning objectives. A strong and explicit link between the objectives and assessment performance better enables students to see the purpose of the course and to develop self-efficacy in achieving that purpose. Feedback on performance makes an essential contribution to improving

  2. To assess student achievement: Assessment is the way of determining whether a student has achieved the objectives of a course to a satisfactory standard. Assessment at one level can provide assurance that a student is ready to progress to the

  3. To provide evidence of the quality of programs: Comprehensive and effective assessment is a vehicle which demonstrates that relevant knowledge and skills are addressed in aggregate across a program and gives assurance that students are acquiring the knowledge and skills. This contributes to the reputation of BACT’s programs and serves the requirements of professional

refers generally to the gathering, collating and interpretation of information related to a student’s learning abilities, learning attainments, learning strengths and areas of learning that need addressing



Policy Scope :

The Assessment Policy applies to the assessment of all students work across all BACT programs, assessment can be internal or external according to its type

Such as practical exams must be appalled in class rooms.

Policy Statement

  • BACT makes continuous following-up evaluation where the evaluation is preliminary before the start of the training course and after completion and there is an evaluation of the training sessions and the coach and the efficiency

  • There is one an employee is responsible for storing all assessment in a relevant and secured reem which is locked, and no one can breach the confidently.

  • The trainers provide the trainees with different kinds and numbers of assessment to evaluate the students’ knowledge to see if the trainees have assimilated the information and achieved the level of training requirements.


Any examinations:

  • must result to a passing mark

  • examination period takes place at the end of every unit

  • may involve practical exams


    Tests are managed within the institute (including responsibility for arranging supervision)

  • Tests may be in-class, online, and may include External practical work.

  • Test will be conducted during teaching weeks; and

  • The test is scheduled in a specific date for one day, whole day.

  • Before the day of exam, details are provided set out in the course outline and consideration is given to any students whose personal circumstances make attendance particularly difficult.

    Communicating the assessment scheme

    An outline of the assessment scheme must be provided to students within the course outline on the day the course


    Attendance and assessment based on participation

    Marks should be limited to specific forms of academic performance. This means that marks must not be

    allocated or deducted for simple attendance or non- attendance at learning/teaching events.

    Forums such as tutorials or seminars provide students with the opportunity to develop the communication skills that are a vital part of everyday working life. Contribution to class discussion can

    help demonstrate course learning objectives but assessment of that may be problematic. Participation can:

  • encourage students to prepare for class and to do the background reading

  • encourage students to think and reflect on issues and problems

  • foster the development of communication and presentation skills, including speaking and listening skills

  • encourage social interaction and the sharing of ideas develop group and team skills (where the assessment focuses on group work).

When using participation as an assessment tool, consideration should be given to ensuring the assessment is fair to all groups and not distorted by gender differences, cultural differences, personality, class size, group dynamics or other factors that may affect students’ willingness and ability to participate.

Bact assessment is based on six key principles which can be defined as:

  1. Validity

    Assessment should be fit for purpose. Assessment tasks should therefore be appropriate for the level, content and learning objectives of the course and the graduate attributes of the programs. A valid task will be one that measures what it purports to assess.

  2. Reliability

    Assessment should provide an accurate and consistent measure of student performance. This involves both consistency in marking and the authenticity of student work.

  3. Fairness and inclusivity

    Assessment tasks should provide every student with an equitable opportunity to demonstrate their learning. Tasks should not discriminate against students on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability or political affiliation.

  4. Contribution to learning

    Assessment should be recognized as a learning activity. Assessment tasks should contribute to the development of skills and knowledge that can be applied within the course as well as in other contexts.

  5. Manageability

    Assessment tasks should be reasonable and practicable in terms of time and resources for both students and staff.

  6. Transparency

The intention and practice of assessment should be clearly described to students and to other staff teaching in a course so that its benefits, purposes and procedures are understood by all parties, in the spirit of a teaching and learning partnership.

Attendance Policy

Policy Purpose

This policy will inform the students of the impact of their attendance and their absence. It is important to the students to be aware of consequences of missing classes.

The policy addresses the percentage of minimum attendance to pass the course and deals with other issues that may occurs such as student provide a valid reason for being absent etc.

BACT attendance policy requires all students to attend at least 75% of the enrolled classes. In order for the student to receive a certificate of completion.

We realize that extenuating circumstances may arise that would take a student out of class and have implemented the following policy to handle those situations. Below are the responsibilities and expectations of students.

  1. Students are expected to attend 100% of the course in which they are enrolled before a certificate of completion can be issued.

  2. If an extenuating circumstance arises in which a student is unable to attend the 100% of class, the student must complete the Student Absentee Request form prior to leaving the classroom and submit it to the instructor for approval. If the extenuating circumstance arises during non-class hours, the student must complete the Student Absentee Request form immediately upon return to the classroom and submit it to the instructor for approval.

  3. With an approved absence for circumstances, if the absence is short enough, the instructor has discretion to provide options for make-up work if the classroom hours are equivalent.

  4. Students who go over the maximum absence limit may appeal their case to the Student adviser. Such students should be prepared to show evidence of a legitimate excuse for every missed class (court documents, doctor’s notes, etc.). Legitimate excuses include: medical emergencies, personal emergencies, family emergencies, and required courtroom appearances.

  5. With all the circumstances. Students should complete a minimum of 75% of attendance time.

  6. Students who arrive 15 minutes or later after the beginning of a class may be marked as a partial absent for the class. Two partial late will be consider as a one whole day absent.

Policy Definition


The concept of people, individually or as a group, appearing at a location for a previously scheduled event.

Partial absent

Come to the class after the class has been started.

Or missing part of the class later while the class is in progress.

Policy Scope

This policy takes effect for all participation in classroom activities including lectures, films, guest speakers, class discussions.

Instructors may include class participation as one component of evaluation and grading. Therefore, lack of attendance may influence your ability to do well in a course where participation is highly valued by the instructor.

All new and current students are impacted by this policy[i].

Admission office should be aware of this policy to treat the students fairly and professionally.

Policy statement

BACT has a moral and legal responsibility to create and maintain a safe and positive learning environment, which promotes engagement and participation by all students attending BACT and is accountable for the management of regular attendance. Consistent attendance and participation at BACT are essential factors for achieving the academic learning outcomes.

Each trainer is responsible to inform all classes at the beginning of the course concerning the attendance policies.

Students are responsible for informing their instructors about their absence from class and for completing assignments during their absence.

KHDA education act

Policy References

It Continuity, Backup and Recovery Policy

Policy Purpose

BACT’s business operations rely on stable and constantly available Information Technology (“IT”) systems. Effective recovery plans are in place to ensure that IT services can be resumed within required recovery times in the event of a system disruption or disaster.

A disruption, loss, damage or compromise of IT systems and data may negatively impact BACT’s reputation and operations, resulting in significant costs to recover. Formal and comprehensive IT continuity, backup and recovery controls are necessary to mitigate such risks.

The objective of this policy is to define formal requirements for IT continuity, backup and recovery, in order to prevent or mitigate the risk of IT system disruption or disaster and allow for an efficient recovery of IT services and data in a timely manner.


BCP “Business Continuity Plan”

is a comprehensive plan describing the strategy

and necessary activities to recover from a significant disruption of business operations, including by relocating part or all personnel

and system resources, making urgent decisions, and conducting business operations with dimin

DRP “Disaster Recovery Plan”

is a documented set of procedures describing the key activities that are necessary to recover minimum IT services, applications and data to continue critical business operations,

and to fully recover such operations after a disaster affecting normal IT services.

RTO “Recovery Time Objective”

refers to the maximum tolerable length of time that a computer, system, network, or application can be down after a failure or disaster occurs.

IT (Information Technology)

is the BACT IT department responsible for the provision of backup and recovery services for data held in the Institutional Data Centre.


An event that could likely cause serious disruption of the IT systems, including without limitation, weather events, power events, or acts of terrorism


Information processed or stored by a computer.

Procedures and technology must be in place and tested regularly to ensure:

  • Prevention against IT system disruption.

  • Regular and comprehensive backup of critical systems, applications and data.

  • Timely recovery of critical systems, in line with the business expectation or RTO.

    Policy Scope

    This policy is directed to the IT Management Staff who is accountable to ensure the plan is developed, tested and kept up-to-date. This policy is solely to state the requirement to have a disaster recovery plan, it does not provide requirement around what goes into the plan.

    This policy is applied to IT department and BACT all staff with access to PC. Anyone works with BACT PC is exposed to this IT backup and restoration plan

    Policy Statement

    BACT will:

    Backup of data (Staff/Student data, commercial data, and application data).

  • Every day a data backup is taken and retained for 14 days.

  • Backup cycles are 7 days.

  • The first Backup in each cycle must be a full Backup.

  • For subsequent backups in each cycle backup type (Full, Differential, or Incremental) must be defined and recorded.

  • Data created or deleted less than 24 hours between backups or data deleted more than 14 days

  • before the backup was created cannot be recovered.

    Backup of Systems

    Backup for BACT systems is required to protect the organizations vital business and operational systems.

    System backup must be provided for all infrastructure, business and data systems to ensure that in the

    event of any significant disaster, such as loss of data center or system, business critical systems can be

    restored within a reasonable time frame.

    To facilitate quick recovery of systems GSA must maintain the following types of backup:

  • Backup copies of systems in the form of images which can be restored to any location or platform.

  • Replicate all virtual key systems adhering to this Backup Policy, particularly with regard to location.

  • Ensure additional backup of data and system configurations are in place for all systems.

    Data Recovery

    This section of the policy document outlines the policy for recovery of data relating to BACT Backup System.

  • Request to recover data or systems should be submitted to the IT Service Desk. Requests must be made at earliest possible time following loss of data or system.

  • The BACT IT department cannot accept responsibility for delay by a member department or

  • individual to register requests for data or system restoration.

  • Data restoration from backup is subject to the retention and granularity periods defined within this backup policy

  • Backup policy recovery schedules. Where requests to recovery data from backup are processed the IT department must endeavor to process such request as soon as possible following receipt.

    BACT is responsible to:

    Have IT Data Recovery Incident Log

    A record will be maintained within the IT Service Desk software in which all IT Data recovery Incidents will be recorded along with details of any action taken. All staff (from all Departments) will have a responsibility to log with the IT Service Desk any incidents that relate to recovery of Data.

    Amendments to this policy will be published from time to time and circulated to the Institution community.

    Certificate Policy


    The purpose of the policy is to ensure that effective mechanisms are in place to quality assure the processing and issuing of certificates, and to maintain the integrity of the processes leading to certification of qualifications offered by BACT.


    Issuing Certificate

    In order to prevent the fraudulent issuing of any certificates, the following security measures are in place:

  • The Administration Assistant is the only person responsible for printing certificates.

  • The Management is responsible for signing all certificates in addition to one other authorized person.

  • All certificates are embossed.

  • The titles of the authorized persons to sign certificates is printed on all certificates.

  • All certificates have a unique certificate number printed on them which is recorded against the students’ name.

  • Cross-referencing against the student database ensures authenticity.

  • The certificate numbers are recorded in a certificate register.

  • The students’ identity number appears on the certificate.

  • Cancellation of certificates; the word “CANCELLED” between two lines, must appear in red; diagonally across the certificate on all cancelled certificates. All cancelled certificates must be entered in the register and kept separately in the storage room.

  • x The certificates are printed in a secure environment in BACT

  • All certificates to be signed by the Head of Institution


    In order to prevent any fraudulent claims for certificates, the following security measures are in place:

  • Each certificate issued is photocopied and stored in the student file.

  • In order to apply for a replacement certificate, a student must:

    1. Apply in person

    2. Provide a certified copy of their ID or passport

    3. Provide an affidavit explaining the reason that the student requires a replacement certificate and the he/ she no longer has the certificate in his/her possession.

    4. BACT will re-issue the certificate with the word ‘duplicate’ printed on it


      Student records must be secure and reliable and must be kept indefinitely.

      All student records are recorded in a secure student record database according to the rules and procedures. To gain access to student records electronically, a password is required.

      Hard-copies of all student records are stored securely in a lockable filing cabinet accessible only by the Head of Administration.


      Certificates are stored under secure conditions until distribution at the graduation ceremony. Certificates that are not collected at the graduation ceremony must be stored securely in the student’s file and must be signed for when collected by the student.

      The notarial seal is kept in safe which is accessible by the Head of Administration only.

      No blank certificates are stored in hard copy format. All certificates are generated on the computer of the Administration Assistant which is password protected.


      Certificates are printed IN BACT, with the BACT logo in full color The following information must appear on the Certificate:

  • Accurate information about the institute, Permit and logo.

  • The type of certification is success based on meeting the requirements of the program.

  • The certificate should include the name of the program, its level if any and program period

  • The student’s full names and surname as it appears on their ID document

  • The student’s identity number / passport number

  • The level of achievement if applicable

  • The signatures

  • The date issued

  • Unique certificate number


    Graduation is a formal procedure that is held either as part of the graduate or as a separate event depending on the following factors:

  • Suitability of venue

  • Date and time of event

  • Input from graduates

    The training department is responsible for coordinating the graduation ceremony. All students are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremony and the following criteria will apply at the ceremony:

  • Awards will be issued to students who achieve excellence in the programs

  • Students with outstanding fees may not attend the ceremony

  • Students who have been unsuccessful in graduating will be notified at least one week before the ceremony by the training department

  • Students who attend the graduation ceremony will be entitled to invite two additional guests to attend.

    Students who are unable to attend the graduation ceremony are required to collect their certificate or award or if that is not possible then BACT will post the certificate via registered mail.

    Conflict of Interest Policy

    Policy Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to relevant individuals on handling possible conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of BACT role as a training provider, assessor and moderator of accredited units and qualifications. This policy applies to all staff and other individuals whenever they interact or potentially interact with any of BACT Accredited Training functions.

    A conflict of interest is a conflict between the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust and any other interests the particular individual may have, where the individual could be seen to be influencing University matters for actual

    or potential personal benefit. BACT has no objection in principle to members of staff having outside interests, so long as appropriate regulations on time spent

    on consultancy, etc., are observed.

    Conflict of interest

    Policy Definitions

    Policy Scope

    It is the policy of BACT that trainers, Assessors and Internal Versifiers acting on behalf of BACT Approved Center (including those with whom BACT have a Partnership Arrangement) must be free from conflicts of interest that could adversely affect their judgement or objectivity to the organization in conducting business activities and assignments.

    BACT recognizes that trainers and assessors may take part in legitimate financial, business, charitable and other activities outside of their BACT approved center and BACT recognized provider roles, but any potential conflict of interest raised by those activities must be acknowledged, disclosed, and in relevant cases properly managed.

    It is the responsibility of each individual to recognize situations in which they have a conflict of interest or might reasonably be seen by others to have a conflict; to disclose this conflict and to take such further steps as may be appropriate and set out in more detail under the procedure below.

    Policy Statement

    It is the duty of all Trainers, Instructors and assessors to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest, and the process for doing this is documented below:

    BACT will make sure any conflict of interest should be disclosed and recorded on a conflict of interest document which is maintained by a designated person at the BACT.

    If the individual concerned has any changes to their declared circumstances, they must inform their line manager immediately in writing, so that the conflict of interest can be evaluated, and the register updated. The information submitted is then evaluated to identify if any further action is required and a written record of the outcome of the evaluation is kept.

    Conflict of interest

    A conflict of interest is a situation in which an individual, or organization, has competing interests or loyalties. Conflicts of interest can arise in a variety of circumstances in relation to awarding organization activity, for example:

  • where the training delivery function and the awarding function rest within one organization and the functions are not strictly delineated

  • when an individual has a position of authority in one organization which conflicts with his or her interests in another organization

  • when an individual has personal interests that conflict with his/her professional position

  • where someone works for or carries out work on BACT’s behalf, who has friends or relatives taking another assessment

  • A conflict of interest may generally be defined as a conflict between the official responsibilities of a Instructor, assessor, and internal verifier and any other interests the particular individual may have and as such could compromise or appear to compromise their decisions

  • A person who is connected to the development, delivery or award of qualifications by the organization has interests in any other activity which have the potential to lead that person to act contrary to his or her interests in that development, delivery or award in accordance with the awarding organizations conditions of recognition

  • An informed and reasonable observer would conclude that either of the above situations was the case.

    Examples of conflicts of interests

    It is not possible to provide a definitive list of examples of conflicts of interests, but the following are examples of situations that could lead to actual or perceived conflicts of interest:

  • Instructors and assessors working with a business outside of the approved BACT and other organization recognized provider that is in direct competition with them

  • Instructors and assessors participating in the appointment, supervision evaluation or assessment of a person with whom the person, has close or familial ties.

  • Instructors and assessors having a close or familial relationship with BACT registered learner, or learners’ family whilst being involved in decisions about the outcome of their accreditation or qualification

  • Or where the person whose remuneration is in part determined by the outcome of the assessment.

  • Instructors and assessors using nonpublic BACT information or BACT learner data for personal gain or advantage.

    Data Protection Policy

    Policy Purpose

    This policy and its supporting procedures and guidance support BACT’s compliance with its obligations as a Data Controller and where applicable, a Data Processor under data protection law.

    BACT is responsible for, and must be able to demonstrate, compliance with the following Data Protection Principles (accountability).

    In summary, these state that personal data shall be:

  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for those purposes (data minimization)

  • Retained in a form that can identify individuals for no longer than is necessary for that purpose (storage limitation)

  • Accurate and kept up to date (accuracy)

  • Kept safe from unauthorized access, processing, accidental or deliberate loss or destruction (integrity and confidentiality).

    Policy definition (terms/abbreviations)


    protecting information from unauthorized access and disclosure


    safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and preventing its unauthorized amendment or deletion

    Confidential Information

    Any personal information that would cause damage or distress to individuals if disclosed without their consent

    Any other Information that would prejudice the University’s or another party’s interests if it were disclosed without authorization


    the ability to restore the availability and access to information, processing systems and services in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident

    Data Protection

    legal control over access to and use of data stored in computers.

    Personal Data

    Information in any format that relates to an identified or identifiable living person.

    An identifiable living person is someone who can be identified directly or indirectly from an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, an online identifier

    or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.

    Scope of the policy:

  • This policy applies to all locations from which Institute personal data is accessed including home use.

  • The policy applies to anyone who obtains, records, can access, store or use personal data in the course of their work with BACT. Users of personal data include employees and students of the Institute, contractors, suppliers, agents, Institute partners and visitors.

    All users of BACT information are responsible for:

  • Completing relevant training and awareness activities provided by the University to support compliance with this policy

  • Taking all necessary steps to ensure that no breaches of information security result from their actions

  • Reporting all suspected information security breaches or incidents promptly

    to so that appropriate action can be taken to minimize harm

  • Informing BACT regarding any changes to the information that they have provided to the Institute in connection with their employment or studies, for instance, changes of address or bank account details.

    The Managing Director, as the Managing Director of BACT, has ultimate accountability for BACT’s compliance with Data Protection Law.

    The Secretary has senior management accountability for information governance and for ensuring that the Data Protection Officer is given sufficient autonomy and resources to carry out their tasks effectively.

    The IT officer has senior management responsibility for information governance within BACT.

    All Heads of BACT Institute are responsible for implementing the policy within their business areas, and for adherence by their staff. This includes

  • Assigning generic and specific responsibilities for data protection management;

  • Managing access rights for information assets and systems to hat employees, trainers and students have access only to such personal data is necessary for them to fulfill their duties;

  • Ensuring that all employees in their areas of responsibility undertake relevant training provided by BACT and are aware of their responsibilities for data protection;

  • Ensuring that employees responsible for any locally managed IT services liaise with BACT Information Services staff to put in place equivalent IT security controls;

  • Assisting the Data Protection Officer in maintaining accurate and up to date records of data processing activities.

    Policy Statement

    BACT is committed to protecting the privacy and security of those with whom we interact.

    BACT will recognize the need to respect and protect information that is collected or disclosed to.

    The data subject must be given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. The processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller.

    The processing is necessary for the exercise of a protective function, must be carried out without the consent of the data subject so as not to prejudice the exercise of that function, and is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

    Equal Opportunities Policy

    Policy Purpose

    BACT is committed in its pursuit of excellence to equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity.

    This policy is important to show the commitment that is underpinned by BACT core values:

  • Freedom of thought and expression.

  • Freedom from discrimination.

  • All students and staff are treated equally.

    Subject to statutory provisions, no student, member of staff, applicant for admission as a student, or applicant for appointment as a member of staff will be treated less favorably than another because of her or his belonging to a protected group.

    the principle of treating all people the same, and not being influenced by a person’s sex, race, religion, health, etc.

    Equal Opportunities

    Policy Definition

    Policy Scope

    This policy is applied on BACT premises. And this commitment applies to a current and former student, or current and former employee where the alleged unlawful conduct arises out of and is closely connected to the student’s or staff member’s previous or current relationship with the Institute.

    If any person admitted as a student or appointed as a member of staff considers that he or she is suffering from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or victimization in her or his admission, appointment, or progression through BACT because of belonging to any of the above-protected groups. He or she may make a complaint, which will be dealt with through the agreed procedures for complains or grievances or the procedures for dealing with bullying and harassment, as appropriate.

    Policy Statement

    BACT will take active steps to promote good practice of equal opportunity. BACT will:

  • Work towards the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimization based on a protected characteristic, whether actual, perceptive, or associative.

  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

  • Foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

  • Subject its policies to continuous assessment in order to examine how they affect protected groups and to identify whether its policies help to achieve equality of opportunity for all these groups, or whether they have an adverse impact.

  • Monitor the recruitment and progress of all students and staff, collecting and collating equalities information and data as required by law or for the furtherance of BACT equalities objectives.

  • Promote an inclusive culture, good practice in teaching, learning, and assessment, and good management practice, through the development of codes of best practice, policies, and training.

  • Take positive action wherever possible to support this policy and its aims.

  • Publish this policy widely amongst staff and students, together with policy assessments, equality analysis and results of monitoring.

    Health and Safety Risk Assessment Policy

    Policy Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that all required tasks and activities are carried out with the minimum of risk to our students, employees, and people in BACT.

    BACT is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our students and employees. So, it is important that health and safety for everyone is our concern at all time.

    BACT is concern and committed to have a safety environment and it address how, where and when this safety environment will be applied.

    Policy Definitions

    Risk Assessment

    A careful examination of what, in our place of work, could cause harm to people so that we can weight up whether we have taken enough precautions

    or should do more to prevent harm


    Anything that has the potential to cause harm. Such as moving and handling of loads, working environment, etc.;


    A risk is the chance that somebody will be harmed by the hazard,

    such as Risk of physical injury if someone falls. Risk of verbal/physical assault when working with people.

    Policy Scope

    This policy applies on all BACT premises. All BACT staff should apply the health and safety while they are at BACT premises. It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that staff members are aware of and understand this policy and any subsequent revisions.

    This policy applies to the premises BACT and all persons on the premises.

    All employees are informed about risk assessment at induction, team meetings and supervision.

    Policy Statement

    BACT aim is to make sure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill. We are required to assess the risks employees, students, trainees, contractors. BACT will decide whether a hazard is significant and whether we have it covered by satisfactory precautions, so that the risk is reduced.

    Managers are responsible for undertaking and the review of risk assessments for all employees’ work tasks and for activities that involve people in our care and others; and communicating the content of the risk assessments to employees, students, and all relevant parties

    Safety Advisors will assist managers in the preparation of the risk assessments.

    Internal Verification Policy

    Policy Purpose

  • To ensure that all learners work is fairly, accurately and regularly verified in a consistent manner.

  • To meet and exceed the requirements placed upon us by the awarding bodies

  • To ensure that valid assessment decisions are reached for all our learners and that external requirements are fully met.

  • To support staff in their training and assessment activities by affording them the opportunity to receive critically supportive feedback on the assessment decisions reached

  • To assess learners work with integrity by being consistent and transparent in our Assessment and Verification judgments and processes so that the outcomes are fair, reliable and valid.

  • To ensure that assessment standards and specifications are implemented fully, so that no risk is posed to the reputation and any of the awarding bodies

  • To establish quality control and recording mechanisms for assessments through a system of sampling moderation and internal verification.

  • To provide inclusive person-centered approaches to assessment, and verification that provide opportunities for to learners to achieve and progress.

    is the process of monitoring assessment practice in order to ensure that assessment decisions meet national standards.

    It provides a continuous check on the consistency, quality and fairness of the assessment of learners work.

    Internal Verification

    Definition of Term/s

    Policy Scope

    This policy relates to all Bact accredited programs and courses . And applies to all internal moderation.


  • Vice-Principal (Academic Quality and Standards): the Vice-Principal (Academic Quality and Standards) ensures that center internal verification and standardization processes operate, and acts as the center coordinator and main point of contact for BACT programmes. The Quality nominee ensures Edexcel reports are monitored and any remedial action is carried out.

  • Internal verifier: a member of staff able to verify assessor decisions and validate assignments. The internal verifier records findings, gives assessor feedback, and oversees remedial action.

  • Standards verifier/External Examiner: the standards verifier is appointed by Edexcel and samples the quality of BACT assignments, assessment and internal verification.


  • Staff briefing: all assessors and internal verifiers will receive regular briefing (at least once per year) New instructors will attend a briefing before drafting assessments or marking.

  • Verification schedules: these will be annually agreed to cover all assessors. Schedules will be drawn up and monitored through the year.

  • Internal verification of assignments: must be carried out for each assignment before use to ensure that they are fit for purpose, and that any recommendations are actioned.

  • Internal verification of student work: this must be verified sufficiently to ensure the security of the standard. Each assessor must be sampled for each unit. The internal verifier must be satisfied that comparable standards are being applied across units, including for merit and distinction grades. The internal verifier will also take note of statistical information relating to the pass/merit/distinction rates of each marker. Assessors cannot internally verify their own work. Assessor feedback and support will be given by the Programme Leader, the Deputy Vice-Principal (Academic Affairs) and the Vice-Principal (Academic Quality and Enhancement) as appropriate. The process does not involve the student.

  • Internal verification records: will be correctly maintained in a secure place for 3 years after certification. The standard excel form will be used for this purpose.

    Actions to implement and develop policy

  • Appropriately qualified or approved staff must carry out all internal verification. Ideally all verification staff will complete the approved internal verification award. Where trainee internal verifier undertakes IV, this must be verified by a qualified IV and countersigned.

  • Each course must have identified members of staff who will verify or standardize the assessments for that particular program.

  • IV must be carried out continuously throughout the year. This should include cycles of formative and summative verifications. In addition to this, appropriate periods of time when IV takes place will be included in a calendar.

  • Any evidence that is produced must meet the requirements of the awarding bodies.

  • IV evidence must be recorded on appropriate documentation, which takes into account the requirements of awarding bodies Quality System

  • Internal verification must take place before assessment decisions are finalized and notified to students and certification is requested.

  • Evidence that IV practice has taken place must be available for the Awarding bodies annual quality review

  • Internal monitoring of IV activity will be carried out via the training unit team on an ongoing basis

  • Records of IV must be kept in a secure location and accessed by staff authorized to do so.

  • All IV or moderation must be in line with current awarding body recommendations.

  • Sampling must be across all trainers, assessors, all types of evidence and all learners including plans, reviews and records in addition to learners’ evidence.

  • IV’s must attend standardization meetings and maintain a current continuous professional development file.

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    This policy will be monitored by the Senior Trainer, Assessors and Verifiers and through established quality audit procedures.

    Role of the Assessor

    The role of the Teacher / Assessor is to:

  • Ensure that learners are clear about the criteria they are expected to meet in their coursework and that they are fully briefed on the skills which need to be demonstrated in the coursework / portfolio components of a subject.

  • Provide accurate records of internally assessed coursework marks to the Exams Officer for transfer to the awarding body.

  • Set interim deadlines for coursework and advise students on the appropriate amount of time to spend on the work, ensuring it is commensurate with the marks available.

  • Mark and return all work within two weeks of submission.

  • Adhere to the Awarding Body’s assessment specification in the judgement of evidence pertaining to an award.

  • There will be regular meetings of all Assessors and Trainers to ensure consistency of practice across the institution through sharing good practice and standardization.

    Recognition of Prior Learning

    Policy purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate BACT commitment to meaningfully engage in Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) activities.

    This policy will help students to understand the recognition of prior learning. And will give student a guideline of his or her credited hours to be apply toward their degree or diploma.

    The policy will discuss all the circumstances that may apply for any skills or knowledge that come from different recognized institute.

    This policy is applicable for admission or credit equivalency, excluding inter-institutional transfer and transfer of credit from formally recognized education.

    “the assessment of previously unrecognized skills and knowledge achieved outside the formal education and training system”.

    This is assessed against the requirements of a recognized qualification in terms of outcomes to be achieved.

    Learners will be awarded credit when they have demonstrated that they have successfully met the learning outcomes

    and assessment criteria of a unit.

    Recognition of Prior Learning

    Policy Definitions

    Policy Scope

    You can apply Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to internally assessed parts of our vocational qualifications.

  • If there is evidence that the learner has previously shown the knowledge, skills or understanding required by a qualification, this may be used towards achieving that qualification.

  • The use of recognition of prior learning is optional. But, if you choose to apply it, you need to have an internal policy on RPL and the proper resources to do so.

    Any student can apply for credit transfer from recognition of prior learning institute to use toward their diploma, certificate or degree.

    This policy will affect the students who have finished certain courses that are similar to BACT’s courses.

    Students need to know that they have limited credited hours to be transferred. Student cannot use RPL for external assessment, set exams or set assignments.

    Policy Statement

    BACT will have an assessor to review whether the evidence is enough to show that a learner has met the assessment requirements for a current qualification. The learner will need to show that through knowledge, understanding or skills they already have, they do not need to repeat the course or complete extra assessment activity.

    Evidence of previous learning or achievement must be: valid and current; reliable; authentic; and sufficient.

    BACT will have team meeting of assessors if necessary to discuss the eligibility of credit transfer.

  • The outcome from the RPL assessment process can enable a student to enter a course and/or gain Credit towards components of the course.

  • Specified Credit involves granting Credit for identified subjects within the qualification being pursued, either core or elective subjects.

  • Unspecified Credit relates to granting Credit against one or more electives where there is no direct match between existing qualifications and subjects in the qualification. There has to be a match, however, in terms of content and level appropriate to the course overall.

  • The determination of Credit to be granted to the student requires academic judgement and the person initially assessing the level of Credit should determine that the learning outcomes for the subject/course have been met.

    The Maximum Amount of Credit

    The maximum amount of Credit that will be granted towards the qualification will be two thirds of the total credit points of a course.

    Enabling Students to Apply for RPL

    Students will be advised of BACT process and procedures for granting of RPL, including the timeframe for applications. This information will include what evidence is required to meet the standards established for the RPL assessment process.

    RPL Assessment Process

  • Individual applications for Recognition of Prior Learning will be processed by the Assessor who will consult with relevant subject specialists where appropriate and make a recommendation to the Committee.

  • Documentary evidence of the decision to award Credit on an RPL basis or to deny an RPL application or grant less Credit than applied for, together with the basis for that decision, will be recorded in the Bact Recognition of Prior Learning Register and the student will be advised of the decision.

  • Bact will ensure that relevant teaching staff are up-to-date with their knowledge and expertise in the RPL process and undertake the assessment to the same standard as other assessments for the qualification. This entails ensuring that the process is fair, flexible, reliable and valid and is tied to the qualification learning outcomes.

  • The course learning outcomes provide the framework for the RPL assessment process and the learning outcomes from the individual subjects form the basic benchmark for assessment.

  • The RPL process should be designed to enable recognition of prior learning outcomes – that are relevant to the qualification learning outcomes – regardless of how, when or where the learning activities took place.

    Evidence Required for Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment

    The form of evidence required for an individual’s RPL assessment process will vary considerably depending on the variety of the relevant learning and experience, the level of Credit sought and the duration of learning entailed.

    Evidence required to support an RPL application will always include:

  • resume/curriculum vitae

  • role descriptions

    and may include any of, or a combination of, the following:

  • certification by a manager re role/ staff responsibilities

  • certificates from short courses or internal/external professional development

  • certificates from Continuing Education courses conducted by a training/education provider

  • employer statements of work undertaken and level of achievement

  • performance review and development planning documents

  • Initial oral assessment with the Senior Trainer

    The Assessor will determine what additional evidence is required to support an application under this policy.

    Where a student meets the work experience requirements approved by the Academic Board for entry to a qualification and has provided the evidence portfolio determined by the Senior Trainer and Assessor, entry to a qualification can be granted and no formal RPL process will be required.

    Throughout the Recognition of Prior Learning process, Bact will ensure that there is consistency, fairness and transparency in the decision making process.

    Application Process and Time Limits

    A Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form must normally be submitted prior to commencement of the course. Late applications will be considered in exceptional circumstances, in which case an additional fee will be charged.

    It is the student’s responsibility in applying for RPL to:

  • state clearly what credit is being applied for

  • provide evidence in the required format with the requisite components

  • demonstrate how the learning outcomes of the relevant component of the qualification have been achieved.

    Recognition of Prior Learning is not an automatic process but relies on informed academic judgement and, as a result, Credit Outcomes will vary between individual student applications unless a precedent has been established or an institutional arrangement agreed.

    Admission policy (Bact Education)

    Policy Purpose:

    This policy is to establish principles and regulations for admission of students to BACT. This policy exists:

  • To protect the interests of the applicants.

  • To ensure fairness, consistency and transparency during the recruitment and admissions process.

  • To enable staff to effectively manage student recruitment and admissions.

  • To provide clear information to applicants on the selection process.

  • To support our strategic plan by welcoming and supporting the recruitment and admission of under-represented groups into the BACT and to meet our funding contracts.

    Policy Scope:

    This policy applies to all enquirers and applicants for all credit bearing taught courses, offered by BACT or partner institutions, and governs overseas provision and the admission of international students, regardless of their location or place of study. The policy and accompanying procedures are relevant to enquirers and applicants and to the staff administering them.

    Statement of Assessment

    BACT considers all applicants for admission regardless of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status in regard to public assistance, orientation, or gender identity. The BACT follows an open door admission policy, which means that any person who has graduated from an accredited high school, successfully completed a General Educational Development (GED) examination, or who are 15 years of age or older and can demonstrate an Ability to Benefit is eligible for admission appropriate program . Applicants under the age of 15 may be admitted with permission of Vice President of Student Affairs. BACT has taken steps to ensure that lack of English skills will not pose a barrier to participating in the application, admissions, and enrollment process.

    Special Consideration and Reasonable Adjustment Policy (Bact Education)


  • Our arrangements for making reasonable adjustments and special considerations in relation to our programs

  • how learners qualify for reasonable adjustments and special considerations

  • the reasonable adjustments we will permit and those where permission is required in advance before they are applied

  • what special considerations will be given to learners

    A reasonable adjustment is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places the learner at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation.

    Reasonable adjustments


    Policy Scope:

    This policy is provided for BACT who is delivering training courses and TQUK qualification. It is also for using by Bact staff members, to ensure they deal with all reasonable adjustment and special consideration requests in a consistent manner.

    Statement of Assessment

  • BACT aims to provide a variety of Courses and TQUK qualification which provide all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route.

  • Our Assessment Policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness.

  • We will endeavor to ensure that the assessment processes are implemented in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory.


    Students are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found in BACT policy files and online at

    All instructors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.

    This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, tutors and external organizations.

    What students can expect from us

  • We aim to ensure that all assessment of work is carried out fairly and in keeping with the awarding body’s requirements.

  • All portfolio-based work will be assessed fairly against the standards and teachers involved will be fully trained.

  • Internal assessments will be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions.

  • Externally marked tests and exams will be according to the requirements of the awarding body.

    Students can also expect:

  • To be fully inducted onto a new course and given information that can be shared with parents and relatives

  • Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment to be made clear at the outset of the course and when assignments are set.

  • To be given appropriate assessment opportunities during the course with feedback provided on the quality of the work.

  • All work to be marked within two weeks of submission by the student.

  • Where equivalents and exemptions can be applied, we will ensure this is pursued with the relevant awarding body.

    Cheating and Plagiarism

    A fair assessment of student’s work can only be made if that work is entirely the student’s own. Therefore, students can expect an awarding body to be informed if:

  • They are found guilty of copying, giving or sharing information or answers, unless part of a joint project

  • They use an unauthorized aid during a test or examination

  • They copy another student’s answers during a test or examination

  • They talk during a test or examination.

All allegations of cheating and plagiarism will lead to a full investigation which will follow the guidance of the relevant awarding body.

Employee Personal and Professional Development Policy

Policy Purpose

BACT believes in the development of our workforce, both to enhance employee engagement and commitment to BACT as an employer to ensure the continued excellence of our organization. The important of the development of our staff is an essential business investment that enables our Institute to maintain and extend our employees’ knowledge and skills as our business environment evolves.

Training and development plans and budgets shall be built into BACT’s overall Business Plan.

Continuous professional development

Make sure employee has the opportunity to increase his knowledge, his skills by continue working on improving these tasks.




Employees, managers and Human Resources (HR) collaborates to build a continuous professional development (CPD) culture.

CPD can be done within the institute premises or external where applicable. It’s an employee’s responsibility to seek new learning opportunities. It’s a manager’s responsibility to coach their teams and identify employee development needs. And it’s HR’s responsibility to facilitate any staff development activities and processes.

Any employee or staff member has the opportunity to CPD never the less BACT will consult and encourage any employee on his CPD.

BACT management work with the staff members to discuss any benefit of getting CPD.

Policy Statement

BACT approves and encourages the following employee trainings:

  1. Formal training sessions (individual or corporate)

  2. Employee Coaching and Mentoring

  3. Participating in conferences

  4. On-the-job training

  5. Job shadowing

  6. Job rotation

    Individual training programs

    • BACT has certain provisions regarding individual training programs. All employees that have worked for the company more than four months are eligible to participate in external training programs individually or in teams. We will set a budget for each employee at the beginning of a year, which we’ll renew annually. Employees can be absent for training for up to 10 days per year.

    • Employees can choose to attend as many training programs as they want, provided they don’t exceed the budget and day limit.

    • All trainings should consider what employees need and how they can learn best. This is why, we encourage employees and managers to consider multiple training methods like workshops, e- learning, lectures and more.

      Corporate training programs

      We might occasionally engage experts to train our employees. The company will cover the entire cost in this case. Examples of this kind of training and development are:

    • Equal employment opportunity training

    • Diversity training

    • Leadership training for managers

    • Conflict resolution training for employees

      This category also includes training conducted by internal experts and managers. Examples are:

    • Training new employees

    • Training teams in company-related issues (e.g. new systems or policy changes)

    • Training employees to prepare them for promotions, transfers or new responsibilities

      Employees won’t have to pay or use their leave for these types of trainings. Attendance records may be part of the process.

      Generally, BACT will cover any training fees including registration and examination (one time). BACT may also cover transportation, accommodation and personal expenses.


      Responsibilities of managers and nominated supervisors

      BACT recognizes the critical role that managers and nominated supervisors have in building capability and shaping culture to achieve organizational success. Managers and nominated supervisors, therefore, have an important role in:

      • identify and develop individual staff and team competencies to levels of expectations and behaviors

      • identifying the professional development needs of staff under their leadership and direction. This can be achieved by observing performance, undertaking formal and informal discussions with staff,

        analyzing performance in relation to expectations and completing, with the staff member, the Professional Development Plan as part of the Performance Review and Planning process;

      • ensuring that staff in their area of responsibility undertake any compulsory training provided by the University to meet legislative and other requirements under the Legal Requirement Training Policy;

      • Assessing and implementing cost-effective methods for meeting the professional development needs of staff.;

      • arranging the provision of targeted organizational professional development programs which meet the needs of specific work units and staff members, especially on-the-job training;

      • foreshadowing new areas of developmental need in the workplace, especially in response to change, and feeding this information into processes designed to establish organizational training needs;

      • evaluating the outcomes of staff professional development and providing feedback to the staff they supervise in relation to their personal and professional development;

      • ensuring equity principles are upheld in providing staff access to professional development opportunities;

      • funding, where appropriate, the provision of professional development programs which cater specifically for the relevant needs of individual staff members or teams, and which do not fit within the programs offered by BACT of professional development;

      • facilitating the transfer of, and use of skills introduced at professional development programs, by following up with staff members who attend professional development programs to assist with transfer of learning to on-the-job application;

      • funding, from organizational unit budget, where appropriate, the travel and incidental costs associated with attendance of staff under their leadership and direction at an approved training program

      • encouraging use of study support provisions so that staff may acquire relevant formal qualifications.

        It is the responsibility of senior managers to consider and make appropriate arrangements, including budgetary allocation, for the support of staff professional development within their organizational unit.

        * Responsibilities of Human Resources Directorate

        Human Resources staff are responsible for:

      • developing and coordinating a Professional Development Program based on established BACT priorities and the BACT Strategic.

      • the design and delivery of formal programs within the Professional Development Program;

      • Collaborating with other BACT department of professional development not limited to the Learning and Teaching Center, Library, Finance, Research Services, Student Administration, Information Technology and Identity and Mission;

      • providing advice and guidance for managers and supervisors to identify and meet professional development needs of staff;

      • facilitating the development of BACT-wide induction program, that has shared responsibility with managers and supervisors at all levels;

      • providing resources and expertise as available in support of on-the-job learning and development;

      • providing on-line learning opportunities in support of developmental needs and assisting the training institute meet its obligations under the Legal Requirement Training Policy;

      • coordinating the provision of formal leadership development programs;

      • providing administrative support for BACT Scholarships i.e. Certificate IV in Leadership and Management, Certificate IV in Business Administration and the Emerging Leaders and Managers Program

      • evaluating professional development programs in consultation with staff, managers and supervisors at all levels;

      • maintaining staff professional development records in the Human Resources Information System

      • ensuring equity principles are upheld in providing staff access to professional development.

      Responsibilities of Staff Members

      Staff members are responsible for:

    • Understanding the training institute’s expectations of them as to skills and capability, including the core competencies set out in the CPD;

    • actively participating in the Performance Review and Planning Process as a means of identifying professional development needs for current and future roles. The identification of strategies to meet these needs is the joint responsibility of the staff member and the supervisor.

    • BACT will endeavour to assist individual staff members to achieve their developmental goals in directions which are relevant to the work in education sector and BACT in particular;

    • developing and applying their knowledge and skills in the performance of their role to ensure continuous improvement and a culture of excellence. This involves actively managing their own professional and career development

Professional Development Opportunities

The professional development of staff is an ongoing process of potential benefit both to the training institute and staff. There are a number of ways in which professional development can be facilitated. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Coaching

    Coaching is a training and development intervention, conducted by a subject matter expert. It aims to improve the performance of an individual or a team so that they can be more successful and more easily accomplish their assigned tasks. Coaching most often takes place on-the-job at a time when a development need is identified, which can be addressed without the need for formal training.

  2. Mentoring

    Mentoring is a form of coaching in which an experienced person supports and guides a staff member’s development via ongoing guidance, counsel and example. A mentor is usually someone other than the staff member’s supervisor who agrees to enter into a mentor relationship with the staff member.

  3. On-the-Job Training

    On-the-job training is an option that is utilized to assist a staff member learn a new skill, and where attendance at a formal training course is not appropriate or available. Time needs to be planned to ensure that on-the-job training is achieved.

  4. Off-the-Job Training Courses

    Off-the-job courses are arranged to address professional development needs and supplement coaching, on-the-job learning and other forms of development. The training institute offers professional development programs to support manager/supervisor development and meet generic needs of staff. In addition, external staff development and training providers, conduct various courses and programs that, at times, can be accessed to meet specific learning objectives.

  5. Special Work Assignments

    The provision of ‘special’ work assignments is a practical way for a staff member to develop key skills.

  6. Internal Transfers

    Transfers to other work units within BACT can provide another avenue for staff development. Approval for transfers to other positions which provide a staff member with an opportunity to develop additional knowledge and skills which will be of benefit to the training institute can be supported as an additional means of development.

    1. External Secondments

      Secondments to other organizations outside BACT can also provide an avenue for staff development. The approval of the relevant Directors and/or Member of the Senior Executive is required prior to any secondment arrangement taking effect.

  7. Conferences/Seminars

Attendance at conferences/seminars can provide developmental opportunities. Maintaining up-to- date knowledge of current trends, best practice and networking with external professional colleagues can be achieved through attendance at selected conferences/seminars.

BACT has membership with a range of Associations where membership benefits may include free or membership prices.

  1. Further Education

    BACT provides support to staff to undertake further education through the provision of study support which enables staff to have access to time off work to attend classes or exams, and with financial assistance to assist defray the costs associated with formal study programs.

  2. Professional Development Support for Professional Staff who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

    To specifically support and assist Professional Staff members who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, the training institute will grant an extra 50% of time release under study leave provision to support pursuit of accredited fee-based courses that are approved by, and relevant to the training institute.

  3. Membership of Professional Associations

Membership and participation in the activities of professional associations provides another method of maintaining up-to-date knowledge of current trends, best practice and professional networks. Financial responsibility for such membership rests with the individual staff member.

Policy Review

BACT may make changes to this policy and procedures from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about the Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy may forward their suggestions to the Human Resources Advisory Service.

Further Assistance

Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding the Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor. Should further advice be required staff should contact the Human Resources Advisory Service.

Student Recruitment, Registration and Certification Policy


BACT is underpinned by the commitment to a fair admissions system, whereby applicants are considered solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential, and are not discriminated against as a result of gender, color, ethnic or national origin, age, social background, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation or family circumstances. This Policy complies with relevant equality and diversity legislation affecting the admission of learners and takes account of best practice. BACT and its approved centers commits itself to operate its admissions system in a way that is transparent and justifiable, with procedures that are fair, clear, explicit and consistently applied for all learners on all programs or qualifications.

Policy Purpose

To provide policy information to enquirers, applicants, parents and advisors about recruitment, selection and admissions at BACT.

This policy is the framework for all staff who are involved in recruitment, selection and admissions activity.

The policy addresses the followings:

  • To register individual learners to the correct program within agreed timescales

  • To claim valid learner certificates within agreed timescales

  • To construct a secure, accurate and accessible audit trail to ensure that individual learner registration and certification claims can be tracked to the certificate which is

    issued for each learner

  • Provide a mechanism for program teams to check the accuracy of learner

    Policy Definitions:


    Recruitment is the way that students and universities find the right match. And student recruitment is more than simply matching a student profile with a corresponding institution.


    Registration is the process of signing up or enrolling in something. BACT makes students go through registration to sign up for new classes


    It is the confirmation that learner has fulfilled the required characteristic.

    certificate is a document that certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test or series of tests

    Policy Scope

    This policy will talk about the recruitment of the right students and the process of registration and certification after completing the learning process. It is applied to all new and current student who wish to pursue their learning with BACT.

    Student would use this policy as a guideline for their learning process. From the time they got recruited to registration till the complete their learning to earn their certificate.

    Admission office should be aware of these process in order to help students of their process and outcome.

    Policy Statement

    BACT Commitment to Professional Standards in Recruitment

    BACT will provide a professional service to applicants and prospective students, delivered by expert representatives. Our work is guided by codes of practice and rigorous standards on impartiality. Our recruitment practitioners, drawn from across the professional support services and academic community, are committed to:

  • Maintaining high professional standards and a commitment to the provision of impartial advice and guidance and fair admissions.

  • Maintaining integrity in their interactions with prospective students and avoiding offering personal views or opinions

  • Developing knowledge of sources of information and advice about progression to higher education.

  • Developing promotional materials that provide a balanced and accurate account of student experience.

  • Providing support for events that provide free and impartial advice to prospective students.

  • All recruitment and admissions staff undertake training and development to ensure their knowledge of recruitment, selection and admissions practice, policy and procedure remain current.

    Recruitment and Selection

    All BACT marketing material will be accurate, kept up to date and be available at the correct point in the recruitment cycle. The purpose of this material is to assist enquirers and applicants in their decision-making process.

    All applicants will be given the opportunity to:

  • Visit the training room where they will be taught

  • Be informed about pastoral and academic support services

  • Know the cost of their chosen program or qualification and sources of financial support (if any) Selection policies and procedures will be clear to enquirers/applicants and followed fairly, courteously, consistently and expeditiously. For some qualifications and programs there will be specific entry requirements (for example, learners may be required to demonstrate a specified level of written and spoken English) which potential applicants will be made aware of at inquiry stage.


    All course registrations are secured on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability. The registration in a course is based upon the receipt of payment for both the registration fee and the balance due.

    We accept payment by credit card (Cash, Visa, MasterCard and other), check, and wire transfer. Your full balance for the course is due no later than 21 days prior to the course start date. Your signature on the In-Course Registration Offer Form authorizes BACT to automatically charge your credit card for the outstanding balance 21 days prior to the course date. BACT will notify you if an automatic charge to your credit card is not approved. Your response and payment is required within 5 business days of our notification; if not, your requested space in the course(s) may be released.

    If you are enrolled in a discounted package and payment has not been received by the start of the course, the discounted package price is forfeited and the current à la carte course price will be charged for that course.

    Course Transfers and Time Frame for Completion

    You may transfer from one course or series of course date(s) to another one time without penalty, provided the request is made prior to twenty-one (21) days before the course start date. Subsequent transfers, or transfers that occur less than 21 days before the course start date are assessed a non- refundable registration fee.

    Responsibility for Recruitment and Admissions Activities

    BACT is committed to providing a professional recruitment and admissions service to all our applicants. Recruitment and admissions activities are carried out in partnership between different parts of BACT, in accordance with this Policy.

    BACT is responsible for:

  • Determining selection criteria and setting up transparent assessment processes.

  • Academic decisions and making offers to individual applicants, recording justifications for decisions and providing feedback as appropriate.

  • Providing accurate and relevant information to prospective students.

  • Communicating with applicants during the admissions process, providing information about the nature of any assessment or selection practices.

  • Ensuring admissions procedures are fair, consistently applied and compliant with Institute admissions policy.

    Management of withdrawal and transfer to another provider policy

    Policy Purpose:

    To inform students and staff of BACT policies and processes relating to course withdrawals. And transfer student to another provider.

    Policy Scope:

    This policy and procedure apply to all students as well as all staff involved either directly or indirectly with administering requests for course withdrawals and temporary suspension requests and transfer to another provider. This policy does not affect a student’s right to submit internal and external complaints and appeals nor does it affect that student’s right to take action under UAE’s consumer protection laws.



    The review of a decision made by BACT under this policy.


    A program of study leading to a formal BACT training programs or qualification.

    Package Program

    A program that includes multiple courses, which may or may not be wholly provided by APIC.


    Will vary regarding the specific circumstances, but could include:

    relevant visa documents; relevant travel documents; relevant media reports relating to a natural disaster impacting on a student’s area of residence;

    a relevant medical, death or birth certificate; a police incident report; a social worker’s report; and/or a psychologist’s report.

    Certificates not written in English must be translated into English by approved translators.


    A payment of fees or charges which is reimbursed to the payee


    Student Management System and records


    Student Affairs officer


    Any person who is enrolled in any course or program offer at, or in conjunction with, BACT.


    The Withdrawals Policy and Procedure is guided by the principles of access, equity, fairness and timelines.

    BACT is committed to:

  • considering course withdrawal requests refund, and transfer to another provider in a consistent, transparent, objective and unbiased manner

  • making details of the procedure publicly available

  • informing students of the policy pre-enrolment and advising students to read it at the commencement of a course

  • specifying reasonable timelines for responses and reimbursement of monies at each stage of the process and monitoring of these timelines

  • providing reasons and full explanation in writing for decisions and actions taken as part of the procedures

  • keeping appropriate records of withdrawal requests, including brief written outcome, within student files and allowing students access to their records.

  • ensuring that such records are treated as confidential

  • reviewing the Withdrawals process regularly

    Withdrawal policy:

    At any time, following enrolment in a course (or the case of international students, the issue of the Confirmation of Enrolment), and prior to the designated course end date, students may apply to withdraw from a course by completing the on-line Course Withdrawal form.

    Any student that withdraws from a course may remain liable for the full course tuition fees, subject to the Refund Policy.

    Students who withdraw from a course prior to completing the qualification will be given recognition for any units satisfactorily completed up to the date of withdrawal, provided all fees due up until this date have been paid in full.

    Refunds and Student Withdrawal

  • If a student is cancelled as a result of their withdrawal before or after the commencement date of a course which is part of an BACT package program, they are entitled to no refund of prepaid course related fees for the course withdrawn from and any subsequent package courses.

    A student is required to submit course withdrawal applications on-line, and BACT will process the application/s and provide its response within the specified time.

  • If a student is cancelled for a breach of their student visa conditions, conditions of enrolment and/or National Code Standards (unsatisfactory attendance, unsatisfactory academic progress, non- payment of fees, etc.), they are entitled to no refund of any prepaid course related fees and any subsequent package courses.

  • If a student is cancelled due to demonstrated compassionate and/or compelling circumstances before the commencement date of the first course in the packaged program, they are entitled to a refund of the course related fees for units of study paid for in advance but not attempted or completed and any subsequent package courses, minus the lesser of 5% of the amount of course related fees received before the course default date .

  • If a student is cancelled due to demonstrated compassionate and/or compelling circumstances after the commencement date of the first course in the packaged program, they are entitled to a refund of the course related fees for units of study paid for in advance but not attempted or completed and any subsequent package courses at the time of withdrawal.

  • Admission fees is not refundable in any case.


    Step 1 Students must submit their formal withdrawal, temporary suspension, extension or refund request using the on-line application forms. It is essential to be include:


  • a detailed explanation of why you are requesting to withdraw from, suspend or extend your course and/or request a refund

  • any documentary evidence to support this request e.g. medical certificate, travel documents etc.

Step 2 Student Affairs officer will evaluate the:

  1. a) content of the information supplied in the application including any attached evidence

  2. b) any relevant information contained within student record (such as the course commencement date which is required to calculate the number of days from this date that you submitted your application)

    Step 3 The SAO will further investigate the matter by conducting a telephone consultation with the course coordinator to determine whether there are any extenuating circumstances that need to be considered.

    Step 4 The SAO may contact the applicant if any part of the matter requires further clarification. Step 5 The SAO will decide in-line with this policy no later than 10 days from the date the original student on-line application, with the required documentation, was received and update the student record in the SMSR and Email and provide formal written notification to the student of the outcome. When If the withdrawal application is approved, the SAO will arrange for the issuance of any Statements of Attainment for course units already completed.\

    Where a refund of course fees is to be paid, this will be processed under the BACT’s Refund Policy and Refund Procedure.

    Where outstanding fees are payable, the Accounting staff will arrange for a final invoice to be issued. No Statements of Attainment will be issued for course units already completed until the outstanding payment is made.

    Student Services staff will update the student record within the SMSR and Email with all relevant information and attach any final summary reports of the outcome, which can be accessed by the student.

    • Written notification will be served by SAO to awarding body and KHDA and stakeholder.

    • If the reason of withdrawal is to transfer the student to another provider, the following steps to be considered.