Punishment Strategy
Punishment Strategy _ Exposing the individual to painful, repulsive stimuli ,resulting in stopping the undesirable behavior or reducing the possibility of its occurrence at similar future situations. The Punishment Strategy has two types: 1.The Positive Punishment: It means exposing the individual to repulsive stimuli , This type of punishment is forbidden ,for example hitting or […]
Lock and Key Teaching Strategy
Lock and Key Teaching Strategy Lock and Key teaching strategy is one of the most important active learning strategies. It aims to activate the role of a pupil in the educational process and it develops the pupil’s mental and educational abilities by which she/he can achieve success and to be outstanding. Also,this teaching strategy aims […]
The five-finger strategy
The five-finger strategy The five-finger strategy is one of the fun and simple active learning strategies. It consists of five questions that students formulate using interrogative tools: who, when, what, why, how In its application, this strategy depends on the skills of reading, writing, reasoning, analysis and summarizing. Where learning takes place through the student’s […]
Methods of directing behavior in children
Methods of directing behavior in children Childhood is an essential stage for guiding the child, as it is a daily task for the educator, as most children need constant guidance because they do not have the necessary experience in life, and the educator must understand the child’s behavior so that he can know the […]
When Am I a Transformational Leader? And When Am I an Attitude-Style Leader?
Theories of Effective Leadership between the traditional face of management and modernism. When Am I a Transformational Leader? And When Am I an Attitude-Style Leader? Educational institutions are one of the most important social institutions that contribute with others to the preparation of the human being, and help him grow in all aspects of […]
The Great Man Theory
The Great Man Theory: Have you heard of the name of the great man theory of leadership? Have you ever heard someone described as “born to lead”? Are leaders born or made? The following article will introduce you to one of the theories that explained some leadership styles. _ According to the reader’s survey of […]
How Can You Influence Others Positively
How Can You Influence Others Positively : First impressions have a profound impact on the future of your relationship. The person you meet tries to answer two basic questions between her/him and herself / himself when forming the first impression: “Are your intentions good?” and “Are you a good and special person?” Some seem to […]