Welcoming The New School Year 

Welcoming The New School Year   *Beginnings always have a wonderful taste ,as they are unique to the initial feelings that come from the first moments and one of the most beautiful beginnings is the beginning of the school year. [At the beginning of the school year, all students ,teachers and administrators  go to school full […]

Seven Basic Tips To Learn Programming From The Beginning

Seven Basic Tips To Learn Programming From The Beginning. _Learning Programming from the beginning is one  of the goals of many young people. Especially ,with the increasing demand, nowadays, for employees who have technical skills Therefore ,choosing programming as a skill and to become professional  in this sector is very possible option .Hence, you shouldn’ […]

How To Deal With a Hyperactive Child?!

How To Deal With a Hyperactive Child?! 💠Controlling the child’s aggression.  How to Control the child’s aggression? Aggressive raids by children suffering from ADHD ” Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder” is a common problem .Time-out is an effective means to calm the hyperactive child .If your child behaves like this in public, you should immediately deal […]

What Are The Factors That Create Emotions In Children?

What Are The Factors That Create Emotions In Children? _Emotional Raising: The emotional formation of a child starts at an early age. The child learns from her/his family many emotions like: love,hatred,jealousy,selfishness ….etc. _Emotions Are Learned Not Born! _If we come back to our own experience, we find that emotions are learned not innate! for […]

Forms Of Child’s Abuse

Forms Of Child’s Abuse: There are many forms of child’s abuse images like: 🔘Harm and Physical Abuse: This form of child’s abuse means that a child is subjected to intentional  physical harm from either one of the parents or from another person. 🔘Emotional Abuse: Parents’ failure to provide their child with the appropriate emotional support […]

What Are The Factors That Create Emotions In Children?

What Are The Factors That Create Emotions In Children? _Emotional Raising: The emotional formation of a child starts at an early age. The child learns from her/his family many emotions like: love,hatred,jealousy,selfishness ….etc. _Emotions Are Learned Not Born! _If we come back to our own experience, we find that emotions are learned not innate! for […]

The School’s Role in Guiding the Emotional Growth in Students

The School’s Role in Guiding the Emotional Growth in Students: The emotional maturity in individuals starts after adolescence  age, so that  students at their different school learning stages are subjected  to modify their emotions .Hence,  the school plays very important role in regulating and guiding  the emotional life of students and the school can prepare […]

Punishment Strategy

 Punishment Strategy _ Exposing the individual to  painful, repulsive stimuli ,resulting in stopping the undesirable behavior or reducing the possibility of its occurrence at similar future situations. The Punishment Strategy has two types: 1.The Positive Punishment: It means exposing the individual to  repulsive stimuli , This type of punishment is forbidden ,for example hitting  or […]

Lock and Key Teaching Strategy

Lock and Key Teaching Strategy Lock and Key teaching strategy is one of the most important active learning strategies. It aims to activate the role of a pupil in the educational process and it develops the pupil’s mental and educational abilities by which she/he can achieve success and to be outstanding.  Also,this teaching strategy aims […]