Application of the SCAMPER strategy in education

Application of the SCAMPER strategy in education Active learning strategies and strategies to learn and activate its role through work and link it with the environment in which you live and enable it to scamper thinking skills one of these strategies The word (SCAMPER) idiomatically means to go or run, and this word is a […]
Child’s Schoolwork

Child’s Schoolwork My child doesn’t like doing homework, nor she/he knows how to do homework! Some teachers don’t like asking a child to do homework in order not to be anxious ,but other teachers say that doing homework is very important to enhance the child’s feeling of responsibility ,independence and to evaluate her/his learning. _ […]
The importance of using technology in education

The importance of using technology in education The presence of technology in the twenty-first century has become necessary in educational process. to facilitate the educational process. The use of technology will improve this process greatly. The importance of using technology in education stems from the following points: • It motivates the teacher to acquire teaching […]
Creative Reading

Creative Reading What is a Creative Reading? How does it differ from an ordinary reading? Is there any way to let our children get used to the creative reading? This is what we are going to talk about in this article. Reading is an essential base and core stock by which the development of nations […]
The Autism

The Autism Some people believes that autism and autism spectrum are two terms for one thing, but there is a difference between the two terms in that the autism spectrum is the complete neurological and psychological condition that leads to a set of problems, the intensity and severity of which varies from one child to […]
Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning Cooperative learning It is considered a strategy used by the teacher in educational situations in the classroom, where these situations depend on the student’s acquisition of experience through his actual participation with a group of colleagues working with each other to reach a common goal (learning). It allows students to interact and exchange […]
The flipped classroom strategy

The flipped classroom strategy Teaching using the flipped classroom strategy is one of the most prominent modern trends in the field of educational technology, as this strategy relies on the opposite of what happens in the traditional classroom environment by transferring the learning process outside the classroom and allocating classroom time for more enriching learning […]
Teacher’s day

Teacher’s day To the one who gave and was generous in giving….. To the one who sacrificed his time and effort and reached his night with his day…. To you words are unable to express your thanks and appreciation…. Teacher, on this great day, we can only offer the highest verses of thanks and gratitude […]
School bullying

School bullying School bullying is a form of unbalanced aggressive interaction, and it occurs frequently as a routine act in peer relations in the school environment and depends on ruling, control, domination and compliance between two parties, one of whom is a bully and the other a victim, and the main reasons for it are: […]
School Theater

School Theater School theater is part of the modern curriculum. It helps to create the necessary habits, skills, values and methods; to continue teaching; To participate in comprehensive development, which is one of the important activities that develop in students basic needs such as the need for play, the need for knowledge and the need […]