characteristics of a kindergarten teacher
The kindergarten teacher is a very sensitive profession that needs personal characteristics, rehabilitation and training in dealing with children .The child in the early childhood stage is oversensitive to what surrounds him. Therefore, taking care of him at this stage is important. so, the kindergarten teacher must have special and distinctive qualities, including:
💠The first and most important quality is her love for her profession and for children in general.
💠Her ability to achieve the needs of children and know their tendencies and desires.
💠To be familiar with the psychology of the child so that she is able to understand the child and analyze his behavior.
💠The ability to direct the child’s activity through play and fun, and direct him to discovery and self-learning.
💠Patience in dealing with children and the ability to control her feelings in case of anger and treat them softly.
💠To be a good example for children with morals and benignant qualities.
💠To be scientifically qualified for this profession and able to communicate information to children in the simplest way.
💠her language should be intact and her pronunciation is correct.
💠To have intelligence, fearlessness , and a love of discovery.
💠Self-confidence, self-esteem and a positive feeling about this profession.
💠To be healthy body and senses.
💠We always say a kindergarten Miss, not a kindergarten Sir, because the child at this stage feels through the teacher’s treatment with feelings similar to the mother’s feelings such as love and tenderness.
It is worthy to say that BACT Center offers you a kindergarten teacher preparation course that provides you with information and skills that qualify you to practice this wonderful profession.