Digital Marketing

January 11, 2025

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a term that means the application of general principles in marketing science by using modern technological tools, such as E-Mail, SMS, mobile applications, instant messaging, electronic bulletin boards, social networking sites, and search engines.  ….etc

 Digital marketing has many benefits for companies and marketers, and these benefits are summarized as follows:

 It saves a lot of expenses as digital marketing requires less money compared to traditional marketing methods.

 Digital marketing is characterized by flexibility, as it can be marketed through a number of means, depending on the product being marketed for, such as using social media, e-mail and text messages.

 Building a large public base through interaction between customers and marketers, in addition to knowing their opinions on goods.

 Shorten time and effort by providing the right offers at the right time and in easy ways.

 Accurate and correct targeting where the required category of advertisement for the commodity is targeted in an accurate manner without wasting time and effort in delivering the advertisement for the commodity.

 Accurately manage the work, know the target customers, and anticipate market fluctuations, all through the analytical data and information provided by the various marketing tools, so weaknesses are treated and improved.

 Communicate with clients and develop the relationship between them so that it is based on trust by meeting their needs and providing them within high specifications and with utmost accuracy.

 Increasing competition between companies producing a specific commodity by offering offers and discounts with different specifications and standards.

 Thus, e-marketing has become the basis for the success of any business and an integral part of any successful business plan, regardless of the size of the business and the field to which it belongs.

 Therefore, learning the basics of e-marketing, new marketing methods and strategies, and how to properly market, is very essential and necessary.

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