Seven Methods To Develop Your Gifted Child’s  Abilities and Ten Methods To Destroy Them

January 12, 2024

Seven Methods To Develop Your Gifted Child’s  Abilities and Ten Methods To Destroy Them!

_If you feel that your child has a gesture of a talent , this requires special care  and raising from you in order to save this talent from dying before its being mature.

_ There are many talented children who have outstanding  talents due to  the early great care of that talents .This means that  the innate talent without raising may rust and vanish like many careless things.

 Here is a summary of 7 ways about raising and developing your child’s talent:

1️⃣ Encouraging:

You should encourage your child’s main  hobbies  ,that is the first base of your child’s talent .You shouldn’t focus on only one special activity , or talent .For example, if your child demonstrates a passion in how  to make  machines ,you shouldn’t direct her/ him towards special kind of machines.

 Also, you should take your child  To centers   to develop their knowledge and skills ,if you have noticed that your child is interested in playing sport, you should let her/ him get joined to a comprehensive gym ,by doing this  ,you help your child to enter initially to the world of her/ his talent.

 2️⃣Freedom of choice:

You shouldn’t impose your vision of things on your child ,because parents usually try consciously or unconsciously to achieve their dreams   and aspirations that they haven’t  yet achieved through their children .So that ,it’s better for parents to take care of their own  inborn child’s choice  and interests .

 3️⃣Providing  the necessary atmosphere and tools:

– You should let your child do her/his interesting things .To be able to say that you are doing this ,you should realize the most important thing : your child can’t be creative in a field , unless she/he owns all tools and things that enable her/him  to unleash all  things within her/him.

 For example, if your child is  interested in drawing or painting  , you should provide her/ him with all required tools like: colours, brushes and paintings. Also, if your child is interested in doing sport,you should bring her/ him  sport clothes or the  suitable  sport games for her/his  interesting type of sport which she/ he has chosen .In addition if your child is interested in scientific exploration ,you should prepare all things that help her/ him  to explore this cognitive world.


You shouldn’t criticize your child, nor blame her/ him for not doing the expected activity  or she/he hasn’t tried enough, but you should praise her/him for what she/he has just done. You should appreciate her/his efforts not her/his talent or luck .Every child should know that there is a difference between her/his abilities and her/his efforts and how to invest both of them to give  the best without any criticism!


You shouldn’t doubt your child’s abilities or capabilities .Don’t compare your child with another child’s performance or similar talent ,even if the other child was doing better than your child, because this is very important in order not to lose her/his interest in doing what she/he likes doing .As we know, it’s a part of  developing the talent is to let your child feel that she/he is very distinguished and if she/he felt  that she/he is gifted ,then it will be the first stage in comprehending that she/he is gifted. Also, you should support her/ him  ,but don’t  let her/him feel that she / he could have done better.

 6️⃣The path is not mandatory ,

If your child refuses to participate in an activity ,sport  or group ,you shouldn’t force her/ him to return to it, even if he has already chosen that thing herself/himself.

Also, you should try to discover what makes her/him not interested  in doing her/his favourite  hobby or activity .It’s better to change an activity or  a sport during the first years as this is basically,  an exploring stage ,so that by your trial to force her/him to return to  her/his main hobby, you may hurt  her/his desire to practice anything else.

 7️⃣Expand your child’s talent limits:

You should Search for the appropriate ways to expand your child’s talent range, if her/his talent  was mental, the  best way is to provide your child with  mental maths classes and their competitions .You should do the same for the physical maths or art activities.  You should bring your child some useful  books  to help her)him learn about  the pioneer  celebrities in the field  of her/his favourite activity.

When a child starts to have a  super model in her/ his life, she/he  will be an early specialisation in  the sector which she/ he demonstrated a talent.

[_ Generally Speaking  ,Parents should realise that their children  may have got talents although they don’ t demonstrate it. Most children demonstrate a specific talent , but because of their parents carelessness this talent may become weak or vanish.

The Ten Methods that may destroy the child’s talent can be summarised as  following:

 🟠Hitting the face kills 300_400 neurons  in the brain, whereas touching on the head creates new brain cells.

 🟠Electronic games kill lingual and social intelligence and these games may cause brain bleeding resulting from intensive focus  during playing, in addition to consuming early  the brain cells .Also, the child will lose some skills when she/he grows up. There are many examples of lost, unconscious children  resulting from playing electronic games in many cities.

🟠Making fun of a mother in front of her child  makes this child prefers loneliness, feels afraid and stops  of the right thinking, as the child derived her/his talent from her/his mother according to recent studies.

 🟠Making fun of the  child’s thoughts and the wrong comments on what this child has introduced or offered ,so the child’s motivation will become very low .

 🟠Not being used to have a dialogue with your child  since the childhood ,due to some wrong  customs and traditions ,this leads to  kill the lingual and social intelligence of the child,through not paying your attention to your child  and  ordering her/him to be silent  or dealing with them violently on occasions, for example in addition to suppressing your child

when she/he starts talking or expressing  her/his opinions spontaneously   even this child doesn’ make any mistakes  .

 🟠Reducing drinking water ,especially during education ,

The brain consists of 85% of water, the child should drink one glass of water or a small bottle every forty-five minutes, if the child doesn’ t drink this amount of water her/his body shows some involuntary movements like: coughing,sneezing,moving a chair,pulling a table  ,that demonstrate to the educator this child makes annoyance.

 🟠Not having breakfast:

People who don’t have breakfast ,their blood sugar rate will reduce,this case  leads to    non_ reaching of  enough food to the brain cells which causes the melting of these cells .At the same time we should take into account and be careful of the negative effect of the fast food  on the child’s body and thinking.

🟠Teaching by indoctrination and not taking into account the child’s tendencies and capabilities .

 🟠Not enabling the child to live normal childhood and immersing them in educational activities .For example, writing on the walls may be resulting from not allowing the child of  free writing in the child’s early years.

 🟠ordering the child to write in small handwriting  or font in the elementary school stage, although large handwriting , or font  symbolises self-confidence and safety,but if the child reduces her/his handwriting ,he may lose these two qualities.

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