Reinforcement Method In Active Learning
Reinforcement Method In Active Learning Reinforcement method is defined as stimulating a student’s behavior with the aim of satisfying specific needs. It is a set of organized methods that work to increase the effectiveness of students, which leads to an increase in their achievement through interaction among them with the study material. There are many […]
The Best Ways To Learn English
The Best Ways To Learn English English language is a universal language that is widely used in many countries, and it is an interesting and easy language to learn. There are many ways to learn it, the most important of which are: 1- In the beginning, set learning English as a goal and work towards […]
Role-Playing Strategy
Role-Playing Strategy Playing roles is one of the modern teaching methods which depend on the effectiveness of the learner, who uses it in his daily life. It is also used in group teaching, where students play the roles of heroes. To clarify a specific situation or reach a solution to a problem through it, the […]
The Art Of Negotiation
The Art Of Negotiation Negotiation as a scientific definition is a process of communication between two or more people in which they study alternatives to reach acceptable solutions or achieve satisfactory goals for them. Foundations of Success in Negotiation: Your success as a negotiator depends on how wisely you use your negotiating knowledge, strength of […]
12 Tips for Taking Care of Elderly Loved Ones
12 Tips for Taking Care of Elderly Loved Ones There comes a time for many people when they need to start taking care of elderly loved ones. 12 Ways to Care for An Older Adult Loved One There are many different ways to help the older adult in your life stay safe and feel cared […]
The mind map and concept map
The mind map and concept map The mind map and concept map are among the most important ideal tools for the twenty-first century, and they are among the most successful methods that can be used by the teacher or the student during the teaching process. These maps combine images and words, and facilitate the educational […]
Growing Up Stages According to Montessori Method
Growing Up Stages According to Montessori Method : Human Beings generally pass through different age- stages. These stages are: 1_The Childhood Stage: The childhood stage has three sub_ stages ,which include: The Early Childhood _Stage ,which is from the child’s birth to the age of 5 The Medium Childhood_ Stage ,which is from 4_9. The […]
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Digital Marketing is a term that means the application of general principles in marketing science by using modern technological tools, such as E-Mail, SMS, mobile applications, instant messaging, electronic bulletin boards, social networking sites, and search engines. ….etc Digital marketing has many benefits for companies and marketers, and these benefits are summarized as […]
Learning disabilities and their causes
Learning disabilities and their causes Learning disabilities are a qualitative disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes of “attention, perception, speech, understanding, problem solving” which affects the use of the reading or writing skills. This results in having poor ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or make simple sports processes […]
What is the active learning pyramid ?
What is the active learning pyramid ? Proceeding from the principle that the active participation of the learner in the learning materials makes him able to remember the information better, the topic of our article today will be about the active learning pyramid at the beginning What is active learning? Active learning is defined as […]