Lock and Key Teaching Strategy

January 9, 2024

Lock and Key Teaching Strategy

Lock and Key teaching strategy is one of the most important active learning strategies. It aims to activate the role of a pupil in the educational process and it develops the pupil’s mental and educational abilities by which she/he can achieve success and to be outstanding.
 Also,this teaching strategy aims to use various developed educational aids ;this in turn ,will add an interest ,activity  and enthusiasm to educational process.
These are the steps of the implementation of Lock and Key Teaching Strategy:
 1.First, the teacher divides students of a classroom into equal groups, taking into account diversity, interactivity and general levels of students.
2.Next, the teacher designs a group of Locks and Keys shapes and writes questions on the locks, but answers on the keys; taking into account the same equal number of locks to keys.
3.Then, She/he fixes the locks on the board and disarranges the keys on the table of the classroom.
4.Afterthat, the teacher chooses a student from each group, using the strategies of numbered-heads, or interactive, individual contribution or by voting to a specific student by his own group, then the teacher asks this student to choose one of the fixed locks on the board.
5.Afterthat, this same student starts searching for the answer of his chosen lock among the disarranged keys on the table. In case, the student could find the key which has the answer to his lock’s question, she/he takes this key and puts it in the medal of his own group.
 6.At the end of the lesson, the teacher counts the keys in each group in order to select the winner group.
As we have seen, this strategy of Lock and Key has proved its effeciency and reflected its valuable effeciancy  on students and their outstanding outcomes.
Bact Education Centre always cares to introduce the best, up to date and implementing educational strategies.

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