The importance of feedback in education

January 11, 2025

The importance of feedback in education

Feedback is one of the scientific vocabulary that occupies great importance in the field of teaching as it is one of the most important scientific and practical foundations and has great importance in the learning process, especially in classroom situations, as it:
1- Necessary and important in the processes of control, control and modification that accompany and follow the processes of interaction and classroom learning.

2-Behavior modification and development for the better.
3- Stimulating learning motivation by assisting the teacher to his student in discovering the correct responses and establishing them, and deleting or canceling the wrong responses.
4- Contribute to augment the effectiveness of learning and integrating the learner into educational situations and experiences.

5- Informing the learner of the result of his learning, whether it is true or false, which reduces the anxiety and tension that the learner experiences in the event that the results of his learning are not known.
6- Enhancing the learner and encouraging him to continue the learning process, especially when he knows that his answer was correct, so his self-confidence will rise.
7- The learner’s knowledge that his answer is wrong and the reason for this wrong answer makes him convinced that the result or mark he obtained was the one responsible for it. Therefore, he will have to double his efforts next time.
8- It shows the learner the direction of his progress in the educational process, as it makes the learner know his desired goal and whether it takes a long time to achieve it or is it close to it.
9- It contributes to creating an educational situation in which security, trust and mutual respect prevail among the students themselves, and between them and the teacher.
10- It contributes significantly to revitalizing the education process, and increases students’ enthusiasm and motivation to learn.
Thus, we find the important role that feedback plays in the education process, as it is the basis for the success of any educational process
We can learn more about feedback through the educational courses offered by the Bact institution for Training and Education. Where we find in the educational diploma everything related to education from theories, principles, models and important topics that give trainees the necessary knowledge and skills in addition to other training courses

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