TRIZ Theory for Creative Thinking Development:
The secret of the success of teaching thinking skills is integrating them into the educational methods and applying them in our daily lives. There are several strategies and theories to teach and stimulate thinking (such as the Six Hats, CORT, TRIZ ….. and others), and there are many types of thinking such as decision-making, critical thinking, creative thinking, analysis and others.
In today’s article we will learn about TRIZ theory:
TRIZ theory is known as the theory of creative problem solving, which includes a rich set of methods for solving problems, and this theory is attributed to the scientist Henry Alshuller
.The TRIZ theory is distinguished by the fact that its innovator did not rely only on trial and error in formulating it like other innovative thinking strategies, but rather on accurate scientific analysis and reached forty innovative principles used by innovators to solve problems that stand in the way of implementing their inventions.
Although this theory was formed in a technical engineering environment, it soon began to prove that its methodology and various tools are too great to be applied only to the borders in which it was formed, but rather moved to all areas of human activity, including the educational field. This is a set of basic ideas on which Alshuller relied in applying the theory, the most important of which are:
The knowledge of any subject must be done as a system consisting of a set of interrelated and complementary elements.
– Focusing on the integrative link between different topics, while studying a variety of systems development models.
Working to push towards the aware employment of problem-solving methods in a creative manner according to arranged steps.
– The ability to teach different topics through practical presentations to solve problems creatively.
– Proficiency in the methods that help the creative person to overcome the obstacles of psychological inertia.
Clarity and comprehensiveness.
The procedural steps for teaching according to TRIZ theory are in brief:
• Introducing the creative principle that will be used to solve the problem, by clarifying it by presenting a problem that was solved using this principle
Present problems from life that have been solved using the same principle.
• Formulating the problem: getting the students to reformulate the problem in their own language, and directing the students to pay attention to highlighting the contradiction.
• Students suggest appropriate solutions to the problem using the creative principle, and in the meantime, the teacher guides and supervises students and encourages them to devise different solutions.
• Discussing the solutions reached by the students.
• Formulation of the final solution to the problem: The teacher directs the students to formulate the optimal picture to solve the problem