Aggressive Behaviour for a child
Aggressive Behavior for a child Children of all ages are exposed to different situations that cause them to behave aggressively, resulting in an aggressive child. What is an aggressive behavior?! An aggressive behaviour is an undesirable and unpleasant behaviour which occurs by children in different ways like: Beating, doing psychological harm, uttering abusive words or […]
Tips For Summer Vacation
Tips For Summer Vacation How can you take advantages of Summer Vacation?! Bact’s Centre introduces to you many ideas:✨ 1️⃣You should Try Learning a new language .📚 2️⃣You should practice your hobbies and learn new activities or exercises.🌟 3️⃣You should read some books.📚 4️⃣you should volunteer to help other people.🌟 5️⃣You should join to useful […]
Things You Should Stop Doing
Things You Should Stop Doing My dears, In order to achieve your goals ,you have to stop doing some things. Bait Aljouda Bact offers you some suggestions about avoid doing some of these things . 1️⃣You should stop talking about yourself negatively. 2️⃣You should avoid meeting negative and frustrating people. 3️⃣You should stop comparing yourself […]
World Music Day
World Music Day 🎼🎼 Music Festival is held all over the world on 21 June ,every year. The idea of an international day of music dates back to France, as it was launched by the French Ministry of Culture on 21 June,1982. More than 120 countries in the world celebrate The music World Day, due […]
How To Make Studying Lovely And Enjoyable For A Student?
How to make studying lovely and enjoyable for a student? A successful teacher is a teacher who creates enjoyable education for a student. _Bait AlJouda For Consultation and Training Centre (Bact) Offers You Some Tips to make education more enjoyable:👍 🔺The teacher should use teaching strategies which enable her/him to convey information in an interesting […]
Causes Of Lethargy And Loss Of Energy
Causes Of Lethargy And Loss Of Energy We often feel lethargic, tired, lost our energy, want to sleep and do nothing!❌❌ What are the causes of lethargy and loss of energy? _Dear followers, Here, you have the most important reasons of lethargy that we should avoid: 1️⃣Lack of sleep and irregular sleep. 2️⃣Lack of walking […]
Twenty-first Century Skills
An Educational Article about Twenty-first Century Skills. ◼Teaching 21st Century Skills requires a new thinking in the educational curricula .This will be achieved by concentrating on a set of required abilities by students to achieve success at knowledge and information age. Therefore, the successful education is that which prepares and provides children with skills ,knowledge […]
How Do You Deal With Work Increased Pressure?
How Do You Deal With Work Increased Pressure? _Work Pressure results from the large number of tasks that must be performed in a short period of time and these tasks are sometimes many and urgent. _Many studies have shown that this pressure may have a harmful effect on the individual health, when this individual is […]
Augmented Reality Technology
Augmented Reality Technology. Augmented Reality Technology imposes itself strongly in the educational reality… How? What is Augmented Reality Technology? ◾The revolution of Information and Communication Technology has led to unprecedented flow of knowledge in all aspects of life, such as medicine ,the military field ….ect.In general,and in the educational field in particular. This appealed to […]
How To Educate a Child?
How To Educate a Child? Educating a child is one of the Modern Education Methods. It’s the best means through which a child can be helped to learn and obtain knowledge .The role of parents isn’t limited to educate their child ,but includes encouraging the child’s desire to learn. When you help the child to […]